Case Profiles

Agnes Nkonene

Agnes s is a seven year old girl who resides from Matepes, Rombo. She comes from a very needy family where not only are her educational needs hard to meet but food also is a challenge to set on the table. Having been raised by her single mother and no one else to fend for her and her siblings, Agnes’s case found its way to us through the Children’s office as a child who needs support. She was referred to us by the Children’s officer in September 2022 and has been with us since. She is enrolled to a school in grade 1 where we will ensure that all her educational needs are met. Agnes is very happy to be at Mwangaza House .She likes playing ball games and loves goats.

Ann Mwikali

Ann Mwikali is a five year old beautiful girl from Olchorro, Entonet-Lenkisim Ward. Ann was raised in a single-parented home in a very humble background. Due to her mother’s condition (paralysis), Mwikali’s grandfather took the initiative of taking care of her which has proven to be a challenge due to his old age. Following Ann’s background, education has proven to be a challenging balance to her other needs hence making her vulnerable and unable to attain it. She was recommended to us by the Children’s office and has been with us since September 2022. Mwikali has been enrolled to a school .She is currently in PP1 (preschool) and is doing well and loving being at Mwangaza house. Mwikali likes playing tag as well as hide and seek.

Ann Ntanin Sinyok

Ann is a cheerful young girl from Elangata Enkima, Olorika Ward. She comes from a humble background where she was raised by her mother who is mentally challenged hence cannot properly care for her needs. Due to her mother’s mental challenges, Ann was traumatized which led to her uncle taking her in and dropping her out of school first for her to recover. It is during her recuperation period that Ntanin was spotted as one of the children who need support and the children officer requested a temporary placement for her in our institution after which we visited to learn her story and background. Ann has been with us since September 2022 and has really grown to love being here. She was enrolled back to school and has been doing well in school. Ann is currently in grade 1. She loves dancing, singing and playing ball games, tag, as well as hides and seeks. Ann aspires to be a doctor in future.

Joyce Tinken

Joyce is a ten year old girl from Matepes, Rombo who managed to escape an early marriage planned by her father at the age of eight years by running to her sister. She later on went to a nearby school to request for a position and assistance. The school principle admitted her and allowed her to go to school without paying school fees as her sister could barely afford. Joyce’s sister comes from a humble home hence cannot fully provide for her needs. She was directed to us by the area chief. After visiting her and assessing the situation in her home, Joyce was taken into the program and has been with us since then. Joyce has been enrolled to a school .She is currently in grade 3 and has been really happy about being able to go to school. She is also happy to be at Mwangaza House where she is fully provided with educational support. Joyce likes playing ball games, tag, kora, she also likes singing and dancing. She would like to be a teacher in future.

Loise Naserian

Loise is a cheerful young girl from Matepes, Rombo who comes from a very humble background. She is the youngest in her family. Loise is an orphan whose parents both died of old age and was left under the care of her elder brother. While under the care of her brother, he neglected and refused his duty as a guardian of taking her to school hence his wife (Loise’s sister-in-law) took it upon herself to enroll her to a school. However, due to the poor conditions back at home, bit has become hard for her to attend school due to lack of school fees. She was directed to us by the Children office requesting educational assistance for the girl. Loise has been with us since September 2022. She has been enrolled to a school and is really happy about it and being at Mwangaza House in general. She is currently in grade 5. Loise loves playing hides and seeks, skipping rope and ball games. Loise aspires to be a doctor in future.

Mary Nashipae

Mary is a bright girl from Forest area Ololopon, location. She is true, double orphan and comes from a humble background where she was brought up by her aunt. For Mary who has a great desire of becoming a nurse in future, education has proven to be a challenge due to lack of school fees hence needing support from her community. The Children Office referred her to us in September 2022 and she has been with us since then. Mary was enrolled into a school and is happy to attain her education. She is happy to be in Mwangaza House and having her educational needs fully met. She likes playing skipping rope, hides and seeks as well as tag. She is currently in grade 3.

Mary Sophia

Mary is a young beautiful girl from Kikelelwa, Rombo. She comes from a humble background. Sophia is a single orphan whose father died on a road accident. Mary’s mother who was left to take care of the child on her own however could not due to poverty which prompted her brother to assume the responsibilities. Sophia’s brother has been caring for his family and siblings which has proven to be a challenge financially. Sophia was referred to us by the Children’s office in September 2022 and she has been with us since then. She has been enrolled to a school and is happy being at Mwangaza house and receiving full educational support. She is currently in grade 3. Mary likes skipping rope, hop scotch and playing kora. She would like to be a doctor in future.

Miriam Nailaen

Miriam is a cheerful young girl from Tikondo, Kimana Location. She comes from a humble background. She was brought up by only her mother who later on passed away leaving her in the care of her grandmother. Miriam’s grandmother due to old age, could hardly do much to ensure that all including her educational needs are met hence making it a challenge. Miriam was referred to us by the Children’s office for a temporary placement in September 2022. She has been with us since then and was enrolled into a school. She is currently in grade 3. She is happy to be at Mwangaza House and to be receiving education. She aspires to be a doctor in future. She likes jumps, playing skipping rope and tag. She also likes to sing.

Naomi Naisiai Margret

Naomi is a humble girl from Bondeni area, Loitoktok. She comes from a humble background. Naomi was raised only by her mother who later on passed away leaving her under the grandmother’s cares. Naomi’s grandmother due to old age can only do little to ensure she is well taken care of but education proved to be a challenge. Naomi was referred to us by the children’s office in September 2022 and has been with us since. She is enrolled to a school in grade 4 and is happy to be going to school and being at Mwangaza house where all her educational needs are met. Naomi likes playing hide and seeks, tag, skipping rope and ball games. She would like to become a doctor when she grows up.

Simei Moloimet

Simei is a cheerful girl who resides at Elangata Enkima, Olorika Ward. She comes from a humble background where she was raised by a single parent. The child is orphaned due to the death of her mother. Simei was left under the care of her grandfather. Due to her grandfather’s old age, he could only do little to ensure she is well cared for. Simei was directed to us by the Children’s office in September 2022 and has been with us since then. She is enrolled to a school and is happy to have all the educational support she is receiving. She is currently in grade 3. Simei is also really happy to be at Mwangaza house and likes playing ball games, skipping rope, tag and hop scotch.

We are given the joy-filled responsibility of caring for a neighbor in need.

Samuel Mwangi

Matthew Bachali