Holistic Benevolence


16 October 2022

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Holistic Benevolence

We move in to their neighborhood and we act.

We are called to care for the widow and the orphan. We are given the joy-filled responsibility of caring for a neighbor in need. The people of Theri Kenya are now our neighbors because we’ve moved in to their neighborhood.


  • Provide a safe and loving home to the ‘least of these,’ the orphans of our village.
  • Create a way for widows to provide for themselves through skills training, job creation, and start-up capital.
  • Partner with farmers and business people of the village to create new markets and offer better business practices.
  • Come alongside the teachers of our village schools to infuse new ideas, teaching methods and resources into the classrooms.
  • Provide a comprehensive healthcare plan that meets short-term needs as well as educates people in long-term health and hygiene.

These approaches cannot and will not succeed apart from a Christ-centered ministry of outreach and discipleship in the community. We dream of a strong, growing group of believers who want the church to be the center of the community. We believe that every person deserves to hear about the love of God and His plan of salvation through the gift of His son, Jesus. We want a community center that is teaching and training people in healthy, practical theology, biblical understanding, and sacrificial giving and serving that exhibits the joy of following Jesus Christ.

We do both – we deliver the Gospel in practical support and loving care, AND we speak the Gospel in every way possible – both personal and corporate settings.

Since 2013, we have built a long-lasting trust with the people of Theri, and now they have opened their hearts to us. We are in the process of developing a comprehensive, 5-year plan to cast vision, raise funds, implement our strategic plan, and evaluate our progress on a regular basis. We send 3-5 teams from the U.S. to Kenya each year, and we have built a growing staff of Kenyans on the ground. We have a godly board of directors in both countries, partnering together to advance our objectives. We have built a 2,500 square foot children’s home that will house 24 children. Each new floor will add 24 more children, and plans for guest housing, a community center, a worship center, a training center and a health center are all in the works.